Should Have Added BLOG to the List...
>> Monday, June 28, 2010
So, suppose you were a Girl. You've just spent the last ten minutes untangling an accidently weedeated hose because you realized you didn't have enough water to wash off the daily grime. You've lost quite a bit of weight but chalked on far more muscle - all of which is mildly aching. You climb into your camper along with the two barn dogs, sit down, and realize you're too tired to shower, too dirty to get into bed.
How about an update, really fast?!?
1. Yeah, I'm alive and well at More Inside Leg Stables. Despite the Boss Mare's best efforts to kill me with her chalkboard lists.. (okay, they aren't that bad..) I now get up every morning at 430am, which is bound to make any teenager a little ill, but besides that all is well.
2. I'm having a Dutch Warmblood baby!! By Sir Sinclair (standing at Iron Spring Farm). So, so, so exciting.
3. However, this means I have to drive an hour to the mare's farm and an hour back.. And do my chores/riding. Needless to say, I'm stretched a little thin.
More soon,
Yay for number 2!!! Went to the stallion's website and he's GORGEOUS! Congrats!
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