A Little Bit More About Horse and Girl
>> Wednesday, February 9, 2011
I found this nifty little survey on a horse website and, out of sheer boredom, filled it out.
Fill yours out and send us a link! We want to know about you and your Horse.
About You
Name: Girl. My parents were very original, as you can tell.
Age: 18.
Hobbies/Interests: Riding and pretty much anything that improves it.. And writing.
Job: I herd small children onto ponies that may or may not be thrilled about the whole concept. Oh, and I say "heels down!" and "he's got to look around the circle too!" a lot.
Favorite books/magazines: Religious reader of Redbook (classy) and Cosmopolitan (trashy), in addition to a mass amount of horse magazines. Dean Koontz rocks too.
Favorite movies/TV shows: Music & Lyrics, Fox & the Hound, and Bandits for movies. How I Met Your Mother, Glee, 16 & Pregnant and its derivatives (yeah, I know. Shame on me.). TrueBlood sometimes.
Favorite music: Everything and anything not stupid or played to me against my will. (Read that again, Dad. I don't want to hear Son Volt when trapped in the car with you!)
About Your Horse
Name: Horse. Beautiful, yes?
Age: 4.
Sex: She's too young to be- Oh, ahem. Mare.
Breed: Thoroughbred/Dutch Warmblood.
Height: 15.3.
Color: Bay.
How did you get/how do you know the horse?: I got her via the man-in-the-can and our local friendly vet. I've known her since my mother stuck her first ultrasound picture on our fridge.
Barefoot or shod?: Barefoot.
Diet: Currently devouring round bales at rapid rates. Handful of SafeChoice day and night. The lack of grain has no effect. If the pony she lives with wasn't fat also, I'd assume she'd gone carnivore. I thought snow was supposed to help her burn more calories, not balloon to the size of a small whale....
Likes to: Chase small animals. Destroy blankets. Eat.
Your Horse Life
How often do you ride?: Almost never because it keeps snowing and I currently have no indoor. (Dear Future but Currently Non-Existant Husband, I want the indoor instead of a honeymoon+anniversary presents for years and years. Our relationship has a better survival rate if I can ride than if we spend a couple nights on the beach.)
Do you show?: Not currently..
Where do you keep your horse/ride?: Right now, at the lovely Backyard Barn. Complete with chickens and cows, oh my.
Do you volunteer with horses?: No.
Do you have a horse-related job?: Yep.
Do you ride with friends?: Occasionally. I prefer riding alone most of the time though.. Clears my head.
Do you jump?: I haven't in a while, but I have.
Do you trail ride?: Yep.
Are you in 4-H or Pony Club?: I pony clubbed for.. Several years. (No ponies were hurt during the clubbing though. Wow, corny.)
Saddle: Bates. (I'm a saddle snob. Don't get me started on all worthless purpose saddles..)
Bit: Loose ring snaffle.
Helmet: See photos. I've no clue, but I love it and it's cheap.
Boots: Mountain Horse.
Chaps/half-chaps: Barnstable or something like that.
Breeches or jeans: Kerrits.
Have You Ever?
Galloped?: Heck yeah.
Ridden bareback?: Yes.
Jumped bareback?: When my mom wasn't watching.
Ridden double?: When my mom wasn't watching. (See a theme here?)
Ridden a draft horse?: I will if this weather ever clears up.
Ridden a pony?: Ponies gave me the patience to deal with Thoroughbreds...
Sat on a horse backwards?: I've ridden backwards. When my mom was watching. (Good parenting call, Mom...) However, she wasn't watching when my friend's pony started spinning. My friend couldn't figure out how to do an emergency dismount backwards, which led to the most hilarious, slow-motion fall I have ever seen. We both about died laughing, and then Mom banned riding backwards. (When she's watching, at least..)
Gotten a 1st place at a show?: Yes.
Seen a foal being born?: Horse. :D
Ridden without stirrups?: Without stirrups makes me happy. Masochistic, I know.
Had a longe lesson?: Lots.
Been yelled at by an instructor?: Yes. Not fun.
Spent the night at the barn?: I lived at a barn, hello..
Spent an entire day at the barn?: Lived at barn, so yes.
Longed a horse?: For more hours than you could ever imagine. Longing's like doing math. Or pulling teeth.
Fallen off?: I don't fall off. (hahahaha. right) I either a) get ejected against my will or b) do a very ungraceful dismount by my will.. Or at least that's what I keep telling myself.
Ridden a horse that bucked/reared/bolted?: There are horses that don't???
Ridden a horse that spooked?: See above.
Been seriously injured in a riding accident, or seen someone injured?: See above.
Even MORE Have You Evers...
Made your own jumps, treats, or other horse-related item?: My parents are engineers (mining and geological. Rocks, yipee! ...not.), and both seem to think this makes them modern-day MacGyvers. I'm serious. My mother uses hay string to fix almost everything, and my father has enough measuring devices to get from here to the sun. Needless to say, I might puke if I have to "may-sure" anything else, but we do have an awesome barn interior and jump standards. (As for the "may-sure" thing, my dad pronounces things funny just to irk my proper English self.. my correct grammar.. self. Eh, you get it.)
Ridden in a body of water?: Plus side of living near a creek.. All the time.
Blanketed a horse?: Unfortunately yes. (Damn you, Snow.)
Bathed a horse?: Yes.
Cleaned a horse's sheath?: This will probably be the only one but NO.
Pulled or braided a mane?: Ugh, yes.
Been on a carriage ride?: Yes.
Been on a tourist trail ride?: Yes.
Ridden at night?: Yes.. That ended well. (sarcasm. I ended up breaking my elbow.. More on that later..)
Been kicked?: Permanent bruises.
Been bitten?: See above.
Been stepped on?: SEE ABOVE. Seriously, my horses are abusive..
Made your dog jump fences or in some other way act like a horse?: ....Yes.
Mucked a stall?: *Stalls, you mean. And waay too many.
Been to a clinic?: Yeah.
Helped train a horse?: I've trained a horse. I never said well, but I trained one.
Ridden with a crop or spurs?: I grew up riding Cow. What do you think?
Been to horse camp?: Yes.
Ridden with gum, an iPod, etc.?: ... Yes...
Ridden without a helmet?: Barely. I HATE it.
Worked toward and achieved a riding goal?: Yes.
Kept a riding/lesson/show journal?: Dear Lord, yes.
Critiqued your riding videos?: All the time.
Collected model horses?: If by collect you mean: Buy them, play rough with them, and now use the ones with remaining legs to teach pony colors.. Then yes.
Cleaned tack?: I don't want to think of how much saddle soap I've probably eaten over the years....
Moved hay bales?: 200 in a hour or hour and a half. The Boss and I are BEASTS. (But very, very, very pretty Beasts, eligible bachelors.....)
ROFLOL!!!!! I love the comic!!!
Great survey. I love doing them when I'm bored hehehe. If I have time later I might do this one. :)
I don't know what's fun about them, but they are. :)
I think that was you who posted on my equine expenses post (you're the only one I know named Girl lol). I couldn't imagine having to pay that much. The person who gave me the idea for the post lives in Seattle and in her area board can be up to $1000 a MONTH! I almost fell over dead when I read that. It made my measly $200 a month not sounds so bad lol. Horses are an expensive hobby, but the two years I was without one were the most miserable of my entire life, so I'm happy to work to pay for the brats (and not eat out, not go to the movies, etc.). :D
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