>> Friday, July 15, 2011
She lost the baby.
We go next week for another vet visit, but our chances this year are pretty well gone. (And for you country fans, that's gone for good.)
This blog will be pretty quiet for a while.. I've been having medical problems in addition to preparing for college. Nothing too serious, fingers crossed, but this seems to be the kicker for a year already plagued with bad health. Horse is still chilling out in the field, waiting for me to take her and Miss Manners up to the chiropractor.
Doctors, doctors, everywhere.
When we all get well, what will we do with ourselves? If Miss Manners were aligned, Horse didn't have a lumpy rump, Baby Mama would raise her baby, I stopped having to go to the doctor every month.. I might actually be able to make long-term goals! :)
It's too hard to write about riding now.
When a path starts to form out of this mess, I'll let you guys know.
-- Girl, Horse, and fellow sick animals.
I'm sorry things have been rough. I can totally understand because I was going through something similar earlier this year. Hang in there because it does get better. Sorry about the baby. That makes me so sad. Did you have a live foal guarantee? I'll miss hearing your funny stories, but I'll be here when you get back. Feel better soon.
Luckily, we did..
We're going to try her once more, keep her in a group of regular cycling mares.. If she still won't take, our only other option is to breed Horse.
Which is definitely not my first choice, but you do what you can.
Thank you! I'm hoping this will smooth out soon.
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