I Don't Have ADD, I was Just Thinking About My Outside Rein
>> Thursday, June 21, 2012
I like that.....
My Littles doodle dressage rings on the back of their spelling tests.
My horses are patient but not perfect.
The chickens' barn time has been severely limited.
Feeling I get when a Little trots a diagonal to me for the first time.
I have less fear of my abilities as a rider now.
I don't live in a camper.
I have long hair, don't care.
We're going to shows now!
4 hours at the barn feels like 40 minutes.
The Littles are all almost independent. So, I can chillax inbetween lessons.
My life has the people and ponies it has in it now.
I dislike that..
I ran out of melatonin and clean breeches today.
Not cool.
Ride on, boys and girls.
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