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Horse Goes To Daycare

>> Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Now, I will write a HUGE post on why I did not post Monday (and believe me, it'll be worth reading...) But right now I don't want to jinx my evening feeding by recanting that horrible (and apparently hilarious) tale...

Today was Horse's first day out with her "herd", two quiet older horses. Once I got the Boss Mare up on her first horse of the day, I caught my baby and started the long trek to her new home. She placed her nose on my elbow the entire way, a worried expression on her sweet face. "No biting." I reminded, but she didn't even try.

Horse has been up in the closest paddock, by herself. She nickers when I pass, walks with me on the other side of the tape. I am her herd. She is my Horse..
Needless to say, I was not thrilled about turning her out, but I knew it had to happen.

We got to the gate. She blew nervous air on my skin.
I hoped she would not get hurt or picked on or ignored.
I hoped she wouldn't be "that weird kid" or stupid.
I let her go.

She wandered around for a while, sniffing clumps of grass and eyeing the pond. The other horses didn't seem to notice her. When all seemed okay, I turned and headed back to the barn. I made it about a quarter of a way before she noticed. She whinnied.

Now at this point, you are supposed to not turn back because that makes it harder on you and your baby, but I couldn't help it. I stopped and glanced back, and she whinnied again, hanging her head over the gate. She pushed against the metal. My heart cracked a little.

She whinnied again when I was passing her old paddock and once more when I went into the barn. When I went back out to catch her to ride, she met me at the gate, but she didn't seem upset.

"Did you have fun at daycare?" I asked. She nipped my fingers.
I guess so.


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Girl, age 13. Horse, age.. A couple days?


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